The people behind CDSGB

Emma Richardson-Steele
Emma runs a small livery yard in Oxfordshire is a keen rider both side saddle and astride. She has been taking part in Concours Classes for over twenty years initially side saddle and then moving on to astride. As a keen seamstress this was a natural progression and she spends much of her spare time creating new costumes. She has taken part in Quadrille - dressage in team of four at the British Riding Club Championships, side saddle displays and the London New Years Day Parade.
Emma is the founder member of Bicester Riding Club and organises Wheatley Horse Show and Three Counties Traditional Horse & Pony Show.

Emma Morrell
Emma produces her own hunters and maxi cobs alongside a full time job and making rosettes. She's a busy lady and always wearing a smile. Emma is enthusiastic, great fun and so very encouraging. She was selected for the TSR Pathway Rider and was in the top 10 in the 'Ride Off' on her horse Radley who was completely home produced and a true amateur. Emma has produced a veteran traditional who was unbeaten in his career. She is a TSR Panel Judge and competes in many prestigious shows.

Jane Harper
Jane developed a love for concours d'elegance & costume classes some years ago whilst competing side saddle. She has competed and won concours d'elegance costume classes at many prestigious shows over the years including Royal Windsor Horse Show and Olympia. She very much enjoys seeing such fabulous costumes and historic attire which are all beautiful in their own right .